An OLDer Opportunity: Don't ignore the Boomer population
NACS Magazine | March 2018
EXCERPT: Why do we do things the way we do them? Oftentimes, the reason is "we've always done it that way."
For decades, the rules of marketing tell us to identify and sell to a target audience. And for most c-store operators, that is defined as someone aged 16 to 34 years old. The same is true for the ideal worker. But is that the best approach to be taking today?
We think not. C-stores intentionally stock and sell products that people of all ages need and buy, but most of the time, the store design, merchandizing and product promotions are all focused on one audience: younger shoppers. It’s time that changes. ...
Now is the time to start including older adults in your marketing and hiring efforts. Just because you’ve “always done it that way” doesn’t mean you shouldn’t change.