Supporting government responsiveness

An SIR Case Study | Back to OUR WORK


SIR Client: Virginia Governor's Office

Challenge: Virginia’s Office of the Governor recognized that being more efficient and productive isn’t just a challenge for today — it’s also a challenge for tomorrow. In 2016, the office sought a way to inform, inspire, and empower its agencies across the commonwealth to prepare for major change in the coming years.

Action: SIR’s Institute for Tomorrow think tank was invited to present before Virginia’s agency heads while they attended the governor’s annual retreat. Included were leaders from every state agency — housing development, parks and recreation, information technology, aviation, aging, and more. We shared insights with them on the trends that are expected to shape the public’s relationship with the government for years to come. 

Results: The governor’s chief of staff called us the next week saying, “John's presentation was one of the best, most-effective ones I’ve ever seen.” We were then hired by numerous agency heads throughout the year to deliver more industry-specific presentations tailored to the needs and interests of their staff. As a result, Virginia civil servants have greater understanding of the shifting needs and preferences of their target customers: taxpayers. This knowledge can help them capitalize on the ideas and channels that meet people where they are today — and in the future. 

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